Fifth Wheel Upgrades You’ll Love
While your fifth wheel, or 5th wheel, probably comes with a lot of great features, there’s no reason to settle for what you get if what you get doesn’t satisfy all your needs. There are some great upgrades you can make to make your camping experience more enjoyable or more efficient or more secure or more whatever. Howdy Ranch RV has provided some below, but if you need additional tips or help installing one of these upgrades, stop by our location near San Antonio, Corpus Christi, McAllen, Laredo, and Rockport, Texas and let our experienced staff know how we can help you.
LED Bulbs
There are many advantages to switching to LED bulbs, from more efficient lighting to brighter lights. You can switch out any bulbs that will make it easier to navigate the interior of your fifth wheel. Don’t forget the lights on your tow vehicle and the brake lights and turn signals can also use an LED upgrade. This will make you more visible to other commuters on the road and make it easier for you to see if you’re caught driving in the dark.
Solar Panels
Speaking of efficiency, some of the more dedicated campers may want to switch to more sustainable and more efficient power sources and solar panels are a great start. Boondocking campers in particular can find this option helpful when their access to the electrical grid is a little dodgy.
Digital Thermostat
If you’re traveling with an older trailer, then you might still have one of those slide thermostats. These are certainly functional, but not exactly precise. Switch to a digital thermostat to not only give you better control over the temperature in your fifth wheel, but also more options to help your family stay comfortable.
Safer Locks
While RV security has improved immensely over the years, there are still problems with RV locks that are too similar to one another. With the right kind of jiggling, one key can access multiple RVs. Consider getting safer, sturdier, more individualized locks to keep your family and your property safe.
Tire Pressure Monitoring System
Some upgrades are going to help you be a safer, more efficient driver. Your tires are an essential part of your traveling experience, so making sure they’re properly inflated is a must. Some fifth wheel owners are all about the old school method of checking with a tire pressure gauge. This works, but it can be tedious and can only be accomplished when you’re in park.
That’s why many fifth wheel owners choose to upgrade to a tire pressure monitoring system. These give you regular updates about the condition of your tire pressure and will alert you when you’re starting to lose air so you can locate the nearest tire shop as soon as possible, before you’re stranded on the side of the road.
Trailer Brake Control
While you should have already found a tow vehicle that can safely haul your fifth wheel, this doesn’t mean the brakes are suddenly going to get stronger. Truck brakes are designed to stop the truck as soon as possible, but when you add on a towable vehicle, the amount of stress this adds to your brakes can make it significantly harder to bring the whole unit to a stop. Help out your tow vehicle by getting a trailer brake control. This connects to your tow vehicle brakes and will activate simultaneously so both vehicles are working together to bring the entire unit to a stop, rather than one vehicle working overtime.
The list of upgrades goes on and on and on. You can constantly be improving the performance of and experience in your fifth wheel. Consider identifying the parts of the RV that frustrate you or you think could be better and ask one of our experienced professionals at Howdy Ranch RV what our recommendations are for upgrading it. If you’re from San Antonio, Corpus Christi, McAllen, Laredo, or Rockport, TX, then stop by today and let us know how we can help you.