How to Teach Rock-Skipping to Your Kids: The Ultimate Guide for RV Camping Adventures

Apr. 29 2024 Camping By Howdy RV

Planning on hitting the road in your RV for an upcoming camping adventure? Don't forget the entertainment! No, not cell phones, tablets, or PlayStation. While campfires and s'mores are classics, there's a simple, timeless activity that every kid must master and can keep them captivated for hours: rock-skipping!

This easy-to-learn skill is the perfect way to turn any body of water near your campsite into a competition zone.  Read on for our ultimate guide to teaching your kids the art of the skip, guaranteed to create lasting memories on your RV trip.

Finding the Perfect Skipping Stones:

The key to rock-skipping success lies in the ammo. Look for flat, smooth stones that are oval-shaped.  Imagine skipping a pancake across the water – that's the ideal shape!  A good rule of thumb is for the stone to be about the size of your child's thumb. Avoid jagged or rough rocks, as they won't skip well.

RV Park Tip: Many campgrounds have a beach or shallow area. If not, keep an eye out for calm coves or inlets during your travels – perfect spots for skipping!

Mastering the Skip:

Now for the fun part! Here's how to guide your little campers:

  1. Grip it Right:  Have your child hold the rock with their thumb and index finger near the smooth, flat side.
  2. Body Position:  They should stand sideways to the water, with their feet shoulder-width apart for balance.
  3. The Throw:  The key is a smooth, skimming motion.  Instruct your child to keep their arm straight and flick the rock with a snapping wrist action, aiming slightly below the water's surface.
  4. Practice Makes Perfect:  Encourage them to experiment with different throwing angles and arm positions. The perfect skip involves the rock hitting the water at an angle that allows it to skim and bounce repeatedly.

RV Park Tip:  Set up a target zone in the water, like a fallen log or a specific distance, to add a friendly competition element.

Pro-Skipper Tips:

  • Look for calmer water – choppy waves will disrupt the skipping rhythm.
  • Flatter stones tend to skip further.
  • Experiment with different throwing strengths – a gentle flick can sometimes lead to surprising skips.

Rock-Skipping Fun for All Ages!

Rock-skipping is an activity the whole family can enjoy. It's a fantastic way to get active outdoors, unplug from devices, and create some unforgettable moments on your RV adventure.  So pack a bag of smooth stones, find a calm stretch of water, and get ready for some splish-splashing fun with your favorite little campers!

Bonus Tip:  For an extra challenge, have a contest to see who can skip the rock the farthest, or who can get the most skips in a row.

Happy RV Camping and Rock-Skipping with your new or used RV from Howdy RV in Aransas Pass, TX!